Tuesday 21 June 2016

Namratha's Dance Journey


I Love Dancing! 

Dance is mainly performing various kind of body movements for many benefits. Dance makes me feel happy. Some people consider as hobby and some as their passion.
Dance isn’t only stretching your arms, lifting our feet but it’s a feeling or interest we go through. While it may be difficult to have dance as career or as passion, but then, why can’t dance be our passion or career?? Yes it can be, I’m passionate about Dancing.

Reasons are quite strange. I normally began with my formal training while I was a kid. Then slowly I started learning how to stretch, move, bend, etc. and my interest on dance grew. I was studying well too but dance created a different feeling to set my life on... Each one can dance but creating a passion through it is not that easy. References to dance can be found in very recorded history.

In the beginning I felt same what everyone feel for dance, as it only suitable as hobby, practise, for entertainment, to just relax, to keep our body fit but as I started learning different dance forms in summer holiday programmes, it itself made me feel that dance is something innovative, wonderful aspect I can aim at!!. While it may be difficult to have dance as career. Probably its my parents support to take my career through dance. I never lost my self confidence, determination, interest and attitude for dance and so I could choose DANCE as my career and passion too. Meanwhile many other career options came to me all through life but the craziness I had for dance reached heights!!. So dance was the only option I choose.

There are different forms of dance but I choose Salsa that is my favourite!


Salsa is a popular form of social dance where dancers remain mostly in front of the another, As I started my practise in salsa everything was difficult. There are many factors which are very important while dancing. Balancing plays a major role among all. Having relaxed mind, beautiful smile, clear stretches, perfect moves, spins, rolls, aerobatics lifts are also important and to have a flexible body is plus point. Through a wonderful competitive coaching dance master I learnt different salsa forms.


In the life journey, not only I learnt dance education but also life lessons too. I fell sometimes in life but never gave up dance because difficulties are common. I complete all my chores as soon as possible and start dance practise each time I was free. Dance started filling me everything in life and now I cannot live without dancing!!.

I was so confident that I will achieve something in life and at last I did it through dance. I am so proud to stand in the society and to raise my voice to tell people that DANCE CAN BE OUR CAREER and not only aim only for medical, engineering or other courses to excell in life. Dance with passion you'll definitely succeed in life. I love calling dance as colourful because it brings colours in my life and so I choose DANCE, MY BIGGEST PASSION!!!

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant! Simply reading this made my day. Dance is a great stress-buster, your blog speaks to my inner dancing beast.
